We try to move our license from one server to another. I’ve used â€remove license†on the old server (1.2 build 369) according to the guide from coreftp
Then I Installed x64 version of 1.2 build 589.1 on the new server and tried to register it with the license file in the attachment. But after restarting CoreFTP it says that I’m not allowed to run this version. So I uninstalled CoreFTP with Windows â€Programs and Features†which showed error message that it failed to remove license but continued anyway. Instead of reinstalling and run uninstall.exe â€as administrator†I removed the files in the folder and tried again but the same problem occurred. Tried to install it and â€remove license†and the uninstall before proceeding to next step.
When I try to install de 32-bit version of 1.2 build 369 it says that the license already in use despite I’ve successfully removed the license in the 589.1-build before uninstalling it and tried 369-build.
So now I have two questions
1. Who can I cleanup the license registrered?
2. Why can’t I Run the lastest 64-bit version with my license? Or what is the newest version I am allowed to run?