Mini Server Message: This exe has expired, updates available

Core FTP Mini Server questions and answers
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Mini Server Message: This exe has expired, updates available

Post by AmandaH »

Howdy all.

I use the Mini FTP Server (Ver you guys offer, and this morning when I went to boot it up, I got the message 'This exe has expired, updates available at'.

I haven't successfully found where it's mentioned that it's possible for the Mini Server TO expire though. What prompted this message? Is it on a time schedule? Any explanations would be most helpful.

Thank you!
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Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:18 am

Post by cp »

it expires ~2 years after the build date.

The reasoning is so that users get updated protocol/security fixes in newer builds, as there isn't much security in the mini server beyond a user/password combination.

The mini server was meant to be more of a quick and convenient utility for moving files than a stand alone server that is up 24/7/365.

The expiration could potentially be removed in future builds if an update check was added to encourage users to update to a newer build in the event of any critical security updates. Not completely sure though as the update checks could be considered intrusive. Nothing is currently planned but as always user feedback is appreciated.

Latest build can be found at
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Joined: Fri Jun 19, 2015 1:47 pm

Post by AmandaH »

Ah, thank you for the explanation!

I would prefer the reminder to encourage me to update (but still let the server work), instead of just disabling the software entirely. If I was going to be away from my server for a week, for example, and it just happened to be the week the ~2 years came up, I would be annoyed at not being able to access files when I don't have access to the box. Because Murphy's Law states that this will happen!

Or, even a more robust message, like 'This build of Mini Server is 575 days old and needs to be updated to avoid security risks. Please update to the latest one at' would have explained why it suddenly stopped working very well.

I appreciate ya'lls hard work though, and thank you for the reply!
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Latest build not retaining parameters

Post by MarshallAbrams »

I installed 1.42 because my previous version expired. I have msftpsrvr in my startup. When I rebooted today, it started without user, password or path parameters. Previously I only had to enter these the first time I ran the server.
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Joined: Fri Jun 19, 2015 1:47 pm

Post by AmandaH »

Marshall, that happened to me as well when I reinstalled. Once I re-input the values in the new server, it's retained that information just like before.